Archive for content marketing with videos

Grab Blog Readers’ Attention with Animated Videos

animated-drawingsHow do you write good blog posts that connect emotionally with readers and turn them into loyal fans? Oh, heck, that’s easy. All you have to do is:

  1. Grab their attention
  2. Get them emotionally engaged
  3. Make a memorable impact

There you go, right? Easy-peasy. This is what you need to do whenever you write any content designed to market your products and services. Attention, emotions, memory.

Neuroscientists are now showing that the two most important elements of persuasion are emotional engagement and memory. Of course you can’t get either of these unless your marketing messages gain readers’ attention first. But how?

Just how do you grab readers’ attention? Infographics work really well, especially drawings and animated videos. Here’s an example of one done for my business site, Content for Coaches, just under two minutes (less than $357 by

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Why Content Marketing with Video Is Key

Content marketing using video is a key marketing tactic if you want to get found online, get known, and get clients.

Here’s what’s important about publishing video on your sites: Your business can get quick, effective search engine results that used to take months or even years to achieve, all for next to nothing to produce (you don’t need to buy expensive equipment and hire a producer).

Your physical presence and voice on video creates a powerful connection to potential new clients in a way that text can’t accomplish. Images are simply attractive to the human brain, and we’re hard-wired to pay attention to faces.

A few years ago I invested considerable time, money and energy to go through the mentorship program of Tom Antion. Even back then (2005?) Tom had installed a video production studio in his house and was gearing up for making his own infomercials and training videos.

As a professional speaker, it was a natural marketing vehicle for Tom. And it is for anyone who sells themselves as a service provider: executive coach, consultant, trainer, author, financial consultant, doctor, lawyer…

Tom always taught that he never invested in marketing tools he couldn’t master himself. Even though as an Internet guru and millionaire, he has staff and plenty of money to throw at marketing, he believes that any professional can master video marketing with a few basic skills and smart tips.

On Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 5 p.m. ET, you can learn from the two video marketing experts who work for Tom, Colin Martin and Marc Bullard with this free webinar.

If you haven’t registered, be sure to do so – you’ll reserve your seat, receive the access link, and the Webinar replay info:
YouTube Secrets Webinar: register here. Read More→

Content Marketing with Videos: Free Webinar

You probably already know you should be using video to attract readers to your website, but you might not know how easy and quick it is. Publishing video on your site is like a client magnet.

Trust me on this, you don’t need to buy expensive tools and hire a producer. It’s the best way to get new viewers to your website and blog. (And it’s really easy when you use a monthly production service like I do: iMotionVideo, who does it all for me!)

But what if you want to do it yourself? What are the basics you need to know? How can you learn to use video quickly?

This week, when two of Tom Antion‘s people called me up with an offer of a free webinar on video marketing, I immediately saw the value in sharing these video tips with you.

I asked them to deliver this webinar exclusively for professionals who don’t have a lot of time for marketing tactics.

Join me, along with Colin Martin and Marc Bullard, in a free webinar next Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 5:00pm ET to learn the secret tactics successful marketers are using on free hosting sites such as YouTube that are bringing an avalanche of traffic to their websites.

Register to attend and get the recorded webinar here:

Online video is THE most powerful tool on the Internet for driving traffic to your websites and services. Search engines are focusing on online video to deliver the content their customers are looking for and have even changed their search parameters to push video to the top of the search results. Read More→