Archive for About Blogs – Page 19

Don’t Jerk Blog Readers Around:
5 Tips to Keep on Track

What’s the most frequent complaint I hear about blogging? Next to “I don’t have enough time,” it’s “I don’t know what to write about.”

Guess what? The two questions are related to the same problem: not enough clarity about business blog goals. Here’s how I help my clients solve this problem of clarity:

  1. Define your business Ps & Q – (3Ps + 1Q):
    => What Problem do you solve?
    => Who are the People you serve?
    => What Products and services do you offer?
    => What makes you uniQue??
  2. Create a course outline or a table of contents as if you were writing a book or teaching a class on this problem, i.e., your expertise
  3. Make a list of keywords, categories and topics you’re qualified to write about and that must be addressed to solve the problems of your readers
  4. Make an editorial calendar for each day of the week you’re going to be blogging. Make sure you cover all the topics and categories, and that your keywords are repeated frequently in posts and titles (search engine optimization).
  5. Make a weekly blog schedule to include writing the content, sharing it on social sites, researching and commenting on other blogs, and formatting, editing, linking, etc.

Don’t underestimate the time it takes for all the peripheral upkeep of blogging. Maintaining a successful blog takes more time than just writing a post. And it almost always takes longer than the 30 minutes required for writing.

Do you jerk readers around?

When I’m working with my clients on their blogs, I often find their content is all over the map. Quite often, they Read More→

How to Choose a Fascinating Photo for
Content Marketing Purposes

What should you look for in choosing a photo to illustrate your blog post? Or to illustrate any other type of web content, such as web pages or sales letter pages?

It’s rare that I don’t take an extra ten minutes to select a photo for each of my blog posts. Yes, no more than ten, but often it’s done in under a minute. I’ll share my tips for saving time on this. (This photo, from took 35 seconds to find and upload…)

Why bother? Because the brain is attracted to photos and if you choose an interesting photo that evokes curiosity, you’ll draw more people into reading your blog.

Go to any photo site and register as a user (free). These are royalty-free photos you can use. If you’re using any photos for commercial purposes, you should purchase credits.

Use the search box to type in what you think you’d like to use as a photo. If you don’t know, just type in a keyword, especially an emotion or an abstract concept that you’re writing about. You’ll be surprised the variety of photos a word pulls up.

For example, in my previous post about grabbing readers’ attention, the emotion I wanted to convey was curiosity. A search for “curiosity” provided 787 pages of photos that included people, animals, babies… Most of which I wouldn’t want to use. I chose one of giraffes because it looked curious.

I’m looking for one or two photos that are attractive to the eye and pull in the kinds of readers I target – smart professionals. So I don’t want any boring photos of people who look happy and content. That may sound strange, but there’s nothing that’s compelling about happy and content people. It doesn’t trigger any reaction on an emotional level. Read More→

7 Ways to Grab Blog Readers’ Attention
and Engage their Brains

What’s the first thing you need to do to grab readers’ attention when writing a fresh blog post?

1. If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you know I always say, “Start with a question!” Ask the reader the problem you’re going to solve for them in your post. The brain is hard wired to seek out answers to unsolved questions or riddles.

That will engage them to think and create a desire to know more.

…But it’s not the first sentence that blog readers see. It’s not the first opportunity readers’ have to decide if they’re going to read your post or not.

2. The headline is. It is THE most important part of your blog post, and I recommend writing it last. There’s a whole bunch of tips you need to know about writing great headlines, but because it’s written AFTER you finish your post, I’m going to talk about it later. Tips 4, 5, and 6 apply to headline writing. Read More→

6 Ways Blog Formatting Engages the Reader’s Brain

What are the two most important parts of your business blog post? Most experts will tell you this:

  1. The headline
  2. The call to action

The headline is what gets read and spread. It’s your “shout-out” on social media sites, in feed readers, email updates. It’s the bait on your fishing hook which draws people over to your blog site to read your stuff.

Writing magnetic headlines is crucial. And you know yourself that a well-crafted headline gets more traffic than a bland one.

The call to action is what gets you business results and turns readers into clients. Even when it’s not a direct “go-buy-click-here” request, it’s part of your funnel process. It starts the participation process.

But hold on there, wait a minute. There are 6 ways to format your blog posts that will  help prime your readers for action. It happens before you ask readers to do something. It must happen, otherwise your readers won’t even read your complete post, they won’t get to the call to action part.

You must engage their brains. You must get inside their heads by triggering unconscious desires and thoughts.

Okay, that sounds a bit oowy-woowy and sneaky, maybe even dangerous. I’m not talking hypnotic suggestions or even tapping into Freudian drives of sex or fear…(although, heck, that sure works, too!)

But if your blog content doesn’t appeal to one of several persuasion triggers (reciprocity, social proof, etc.) then you’re not doing enough with your posts. Your readers may scan your post, without getting their thought processes going, and move on.

It’s not complicated. You’re probably already doing it (unconsciously)! How?

1. Every time you tell a story, you’re tapping into primitive drives to listen and pay attention. As humans, we’re wired to sit up, pay attention, and become alert when someone says, “Let me tell you a story…” Read More→

How to Convert Readers into Clients on Your Blog

If a blog is the best marketing tool on the planet, then how does it convert readers to clients?

It may seem like a stretch… like building a bridge over a river and leading readers across. Dare I attempt a pun … like, how do you lead them Over the River Buy? (Please don’t groan while I’m trying to entertain you…)

What’s the most important thing to remember when you’re writing for your business blog? I’m not sure I can answer that in a simple sentence, but let me try. I always say that providing solutions to problems is important, but then there’s…:

  • Write useful, relevant posts that exceed reader’s expectations
  • Educate readers, but try to entertain them while doing it
  • Engage readers, get them to think, stimulate new ways of looking at something
  • Enrich people’s lives, save them time, energy or money
  • Share resources that can help readers
  • Unravel the mysteries, make something complicated easy to understand
  • Provide a road map with directions on how to do something, including memory short-cuts
  • Build trust with readers so they ask for products and services Read More→

How is Playing Tennis Like Blog Writing?

One of the concerns professionals ask me about when they’re starting a new blog is this: “What if I run out of things to write about?” They’re concerned that they’ll start repeating themselves and become boring or bored.

This is not something to worry about and I’m going to prove it this week. There are 1,001 ways to write the same thing over and over again, and have fun with it!

For example, as I write this post it’s 6 a.m. and I’ve got the French Open on TV. I’ve set out to write another post about… how to write better blog posts. This is something I’ve written a million times. How can I make it different or compelling?

A quick search of previous posts and I’ve found a couple of other blog posts about blog writing and tennis:

  • 5 Blog Writing Lessons from the French Open Tennis Championships
  • French Open Tennis: More Business Lessons
  • Writing Better – Lessons from Tennis

Maybe I’ve said it all using tennis metaphors, but I don’t think so. The point I’d like you to take-away is that no matter what your main message is, there are many ways to frame it using different themes and analogies.

What sports or hobbies do you know that ties in with the business blog you’re writing? Use your imagination. Have fun with it. Chances are, your readers will enjoy it also.

How to Start Blogging Today:
It’s never too late to be a noob

Ever wished you could start over? Take everything you’ve learned and pretend to be a “noob’… a newbie blogger? Start with a fresh blog, and see what happens?

Okay, maybe not trash everything, but start afresh, with your current know-how, with a fresh design, a new focus, and improved clarity.

Sort of like when you move and unpack everything, sort it out, get rid of unnecessary stuff…

You can. There’s a great new blog training program that’s launching today: Start Blogging Today. I’ve been give access to their private membership site. I wanted to find out if this program is something I can recommend to some of my clients who are just starting out with a business blog.

It is. Drumroll, trumpets and confetti, please. I highly recommend Start Blogging Today. If you’re new to online marketing, or just starting a blog for your business, don’t waste time and money. Read More→

Traffic Optimization: SEO’s come a long way, baby

What did you think about the Ultimate Traffic Formula workshop yesterday with Michael Martine of Remarkablogger? I was amazed, quite frankly, and I don’t say that because I’m a big fan of his blog or think he’s just a down-to-earth nice guy who’s smart about business blogging.

I was impressed because he made me think. He opened up the windows about what traffic optimization is about.

(P.S. If you missed this workshop, you’ll have a chance to buy the recorded audio file and get access to the 3 ebooks in a short while.)

SEO used to have a bad name in the sense that new web site owners and innocent small businesses could fall prey to guys who promised to put you on page one of Google using hidden keywords, etc. Smart SEO tactics have come a long way.

In fact, the best traffic optimization techniques are common sense marketing tactics. It’s all about marketing and content and social media. It’s linking your message to the people whose problems you solve. It’s getting connected with the maximum people interested in your topic and expertise. Read More→

3 Drivers of Blog Traffic: The ICE Effect

It doesn’t really matter if you call your online efforts content marketing,  online marketing, blog marketing, or a chihuahua. What matters is results.

Are you getting results from the Web? If not, where do you need to improve? The minute someone lands on your blog, do they say, “Hey, a chihuahua I could really love!” Or, “This blog’s for me!”

What’s your challenge when it comes to using the Internet to attract clients, sell them your products or services, and profit in your business? For many of my clients, the problem is how to stand out and how to get found.

You may be unique, but unless the right people are finding you on the Web, your efforts are wasted. There are really two challenges, as I see it:

  1. Branding: you need to clearly and quickly identify your uniqueness in a memorable way
  2. Visibility: you need to be easily found in multiple places on the Web

When good branding is combined with good visibility, you get great findability.

This Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 4 p.m. ET, I’m presenting a workshop on how to get more blog traffic. Read More→

The Psychology of Content Marketing with Blogs

Why do business blogs work so well to attract new clients? For that matter, why is it I’ve declared them to be “The Best Darn Marketing Tool on the Planet!

When it comes to writing on the Web, a blog is a great way to get found, get leads and get clients.

There are a couple of reasons blogs work. For one thing, there are over a billion people connected to the Internet looking for information.

According to Technorati, there are over 170 million blogs… maybe more, but then a lot of those may be abandoned.

When search engines do a good job of indexing content on the Web, they match up search requests with published content. Since blogs are content-rich and frequently updated, they provide fresh keywords for search engines to index.

Someone looking for a solution to their problem, or answers to their questions, clicks on links that are offered up on a page of search results. Those links could be to web pages, blog posts, videos, or podcasts, it doesn’t matter. Read More→