If a blog is the best marketing tool on the planet, then how does it convert readers to clients?
It may seem like a stretch… like building a bridge over a river and leading readers across. Dare I attempt a pun … like, how do you lead them Over the River Buy? (Please don’t groan while I’m trying to entertain you…)
What’s the most important thing to remember when you’re writing for your business blog? I’m not sure I can answer that in a simple sentence, but let me try. I always say that providing solutions to problems is important, but then there’s…:
- Write useful, relevant posts that exceed reader’s expectations
- Educate readers, but try to entertain them while doing it
- Engage readers, get them to think, stimulate new ways of looking at something
- Enrich people’s lives, save them time, energy or money
- Share resources that can help readers
- Unravel the mysteries, make something complicated easy to understand
- Provide a road map with directions on how to do something, including memory short-cuts
- Build trust with readers so they ask for products and services Read More→