Archive for blog marketing – Page 11

Smart Blogging + Smart Traffic =
How to Avoid Blog Oblivion

If you’re part of the 80% surveyed who say you don’t have enough traffic to your blog, then here’s a workshop that could make a big difference in your online marketing with blogs:

The Ultimate Traffic Formula with Michael Martine of Remarkablogger

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 4 p.m. ET (recorded)

Phone, webcast, your choice

Tutorials, videos, handouts, bonuses

I am so convinced this will help you, that I’m giving away a program I was going to start selling, to the first 25 people who register for the workshop.

Time-Saving Tips for Smart Blogging is a blog tutorial with audio, transcripts and 23 pages of worksheets for business blog success, a $39 value. Read More→

Dart Board Marketing: How to Avoid Holes in the Wall

I was at the beach a few weeks ago at my friend Amelia’s beach house. She put a dart board up on her kitchen wall. There are a lot of holes on the wall around where the board hangs.

Which reminds me a little of marketing. Sometimes it’s tempting to think that the more you do, the better results you’ll get as far as getting found and getting leads on the Internet.

Social media marketing is a little like that. You post here, comment there, retweet this, update that… and hope you’ll connect with someone at just the right time and right place… and that something good will come of it.

It does happen, I know. I’ve gotten a few clients signed up for my teleseminars because I tweeted something and it led them back to my blog or sales page. Read More→

Blog Traffic for Smarties
…and the dumb things they do

Attracting ideal clients to your blog and driving blog traffic is part of Blog Outreach: everything you do technologically and personally to let the search engines and people know where you are on the Web.

I talk about this in my free ebook Content Marketing with Blogs. To maintain a successful business blog, you have to pay attention to four key areas, and neglect in any one of these will cause blog failure.

When you work on each of these four areas, your blog is the best marketing tool on the planet. When you know how to attract people AND search engine traffic to your blog, you’re a smart blogger. Read More→

3 Things that Make Me Mad Blogging

What makes you mad, really mad about your online content marketing and blogging?

For me, it’s when I write something I think is smart and clever and nobody reads it, or if they do they don’t let me know it’s helpful to them.

The second thing I hate is when I give away something I think is valuable and only a few people respond to my offer.

But I think the worst things of all are those creepy inner thoughts of…

  • Is anybody out there?
  • Does anybody care?
  • Am I writing to the wind?
  • Why am I knocking myself out with all this online content marketing?
  • Where’s the traffic?
  • Where’s the money, honey?

What about you? Are you getting enough traffic to your blog and web pages so that you reach enough of the people who want your services? Are you getting sales and new clients from your online marketing? Read More→