What’s the quickest way to use videos for content marketing? How can you shoot a video clip in your hotel room while at a conference? I’ll demonstrate here. I plugged in my Logitech Webcam, pulled up a previous post on my blog, and spoke into the camera.
It’s not perfect, but it’s good enough, and it was done start to finish in 30 minutes. Using video blogging, you can easily get found by clients who have problems you can fix.
- Set up webcam, test for lighting
- Used some content marketing text previously published about how to write a video script
- Spoke spontaneously into the camera, trying to be as sincere and relaxed as possible
- Reviewed the video clip, reshot it a 2nd time.
- Uploaded to YouTube, named it, described it, tagged it.
- Copied the embed code from YouTube and posted it into the html side of blog platform.
- Wrote 300 words to accompany the post
- Created a title, wrote a description into All-in-One SEO pack
- Hyperlinked keywords
- Ran Scribe Content Optimizer for an SEO analysis and tweaked it to 100%
- Published blog
- …Went to breakfast
Click here to watch the 1 minute video…. Read More→
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