Archive for Content Marketing – Page 25

5 Content Marketing Goals for Your Website & Blog
… and One Big Challenge

What do you want your website to do for your business? No really, it’s not as obvious a question as it might at first appear.

I’ve been working with executive coaches and consultants for ten years now, helping them improve how they show up on the Web. In those 10 years, I’ve seen a number of changes to the way websites look and function. It doesn’t matter if you use a traditional website, or a blog, or a blog as a website, the principles are the same.

Yet many professionals aren’t clear about the goals for their online content marketing. I made some notes for one client and thought I’d share them with you here.  I came up with 5 goals your site should strive to accomplish in the first minute or two. One of them is a big challenge… Read More→

Smart Blogging + Smart Traffic =
How to Avoid Blog Oblivion

If you’re part of the 80% surveyed who say you don’t have enough traffic to your blog, then here’s a workshop that could make a big difference in your online marketing with blogs:

The Ultimate Traffic Formula with Michael Martine of Remarkablogger

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 4 p.m. ET (recorded)

Phone, webcast, your choice

Tutorials, videos, handouts, bonuses

I am so convinced this will help you, that I’m giving away a program I was going to start selling, to the first 25 people who register for the workshop.

Time-Saving Tips for Smart Blogging is a blog tutorial with audio, transcripts and 23 pages of worksheets for business blog success, a $39 value. Read More→

Dart Board Marketing: How to Avoid Holes in the Wall

I was at the beach a few weeks ago at my friend Amelia’s beach house. She put a dart board up on her kitchen wall. There are a lot of holes on the wall around where the board hangs.

Which reminds me a little of marketing. Sometimes it’s tempting to think that the more you do, the better results you’ll get as far as getting found and getting leads on the Internet.

Social media marketing is a little like that. You post here, comment there, retweet this, update that… and hope you’ll connect with someone at just the right time and right place… and that something good will come of it.

It does happen, I know. I’ve gotten a few clients signed up for my teleseminars because I tweeted something and it led them back to my blog or sales page. Read More→

Blog Traffic for Smarties
…and the dumb things they do

Attracting ideal clients to your blog and driving blog traffic is part of Blog Outreach: everything you do technologically and personally to let the search engines and people know where you are on the Web.

I talk about this in my free ebook Content Marketing with Blogs. To maintain a successful business blog, you have to pay attention to four key areas, and neglect in any one of these will cause blog failure.

When you work on each of these four areas, your blog is the best marketing tool on the planet. When you know how to attract people AND search engine traffic to your blog, you’re a smart blogger. Read More→

3 Things that Make Me Mad Blogging

What makes you mad, really mad about your online content marketing and blogging?

For me, it’s when I write something I think is smart and clever and nobody reads it, or if they do they don’t let me know it’s helpful to them.

The second thing I hate is when I give away something I think is valuable and only a few people respond to my offer.

But I think the worst things of all are those creepy inner thoughts of…

  • Is anybody out there?
  • Does anybody care?
  • Am I writing to the wind?
  • Why am I knocking myself out with all this online content marketing?
  • Where’s the traffic?
  • Where’s the money, honey?

What about you? Are you getting enough traffic to your blog and web pages so that you reach enough of the people who want your services? Are you getting sales and new clients from your online marketing? Read More→

Get More Blog Traffic: Initial Survey Results

There’s nothing worse than spending time and energy writing on your blog and not reaching the very people who need your help, the ones who have the problems you solve.

I take that back, there is one thing worse, and that’s NOT to write your message at all. At least when you publish on a blog, you put it out there on the world-wide bulletin board. Eventually someone will see it, and if you do a few things right, many will see it.

In my ongoing traffic survey,, more than 80% respond that they don’t have enough readers to their blog, and more than half report they’re not sure how to attract their ideal clients.

If you haven’t taken the survey yet, please do so now. I’d like to find out what your challenges are with driving traffic to your blog.

If you’re going to use a business blog to drive sales and grow business, you’ve got to tackle the traffic problem. But don’t worry, you don’t have to hire an SEO expert and spend a lot of money. You don’t have to be a techie-geek type either. Read More→

Smart Professionals with Dumb Blogs

Help me please. If I read one more organizational change blog full of corporate speak and business jargon, I’m going to fall off my chair and hit my head on the desk on the way down. At least that will wake me up.

Listen, I know some of these blog authors are smart. They’ve got Ph.D.s. I know they can write, after all, they’ve written dissertations. Maybe like those people who work for government agencies, the problem is “they know too much.”

I also happen to know from having a few personal conversations with them, they have personalities and actually come across as bright, interesting, and down to earth people.

What happens when they go blogging? They pack too much into a sentence. Here are several blogging blunders smart people make with their blog writing. Read More→

Pivotal Moments in Blogging

Why are you blogging? How is it you discovered blogs, and at what point did you make a decision to start your own?

Do you remember the thrill of publishing your first blog on the Web, where you could publish your own thoughts without having to go through any tech person or getting your content accepted by someone else?

I’ll never forget the day, because it was September 4, 2004, my birthday. I’d injured my shoulder and couldn’t play tennis, which meant I was home, bored, and looking for something to do on the computer.

I opened an email from Debbie Weil. She said, “Every business should have a blog, and any idiot can go over to and start one in under an hour.” Read More→

8 Tips for Content Marketing on Your Blog,
One Conversation at a Time

If a blog writing is “like having a conversation,” then how should I write it? How can I possibly have a conversation when I don’t know who’s reading it? And…if it’s one-way, then it’s really not a conversation, but a monologue…

Okay, let’s not get so literal here that you talk yourself into writer’s block. All I’m saying is when writing on a business blog, forget what they taught you in school about writing an essay or an article or a report.

My point is this: on your blog, write more like you talk, and write sentences like you would use in a conversation with a favorite client.

You can even make up a typical response like I did in the opening paragraph. Invent a conversation.

Direct marketers and copywriters are expert at doing this. They are the ones making a fortune writing sales letters that persuade people to pick up the phone or click the buy button with their credit cards in hand. Read More→

The Nuances of Writing About Yourself on the Web:
10 Content Marketing Tips

What’s the most difficult thing about marketing your services to people on the Web? If you’re someone who sells your expertise, like a doctor, lawyer, an executive coach, any kind of consultant, it’s probably hard for you to toot your own horn.

Unless you’re a raving narcissist, you probably struggle to publish a blog where your goal is to look like the smartest in your niche. And yet you must, if you want to get found, get known and get clients.

You can write about what you’re an expert in, share your knowledge, and talk about your work with the people you’re helping. But even if you’re the world’s number 1 best at what you do, this challenge is one of the most difficult:

How do you build trust with readers who land on your blog or website in 25 seconds?

(Because that may be all you have to impress them. Studies show that people usually spend 25-35 seconds on a web page.)

One of my clients is a successful coach. She helps high-achieving executives become better at what they do. And  she’d love for other people to know how good she is at doing what she does, because she’d love to help more people.

She hasn’t started her blog yet, because she’s not clear how she would convey her message. She knows she’s good at what she does, but doesn’t want to come across as a “know-it-all,” when it comes to coaching people to make lasting improvements in their lives.

Here are 10 tips professionals in any field can use to write about themselves on the Web and get marketing results. Read More→